Wednesday, 26 September 2012

A conversation at the ballet

A conversation overheard at the cinema during interval watching a live broadcast of the Royal Ballet between two well spoken ladies in the row behind me.  

Lady A:  ... afterwards I'll get a taxi up the road as I didn't bring my car here.  
Lady B: Do you live far away?
A: Oh not far, just in Hampton Road.
B: Oh well I can give you a lift, I'm going that way.
A: Well that's very kind of you.  Most kind.  Can I give you something for petrol money?
B: Oh no that's not necessary.
A: Well thank you again.  My name's Karen.
B: Mine is Susan.
A: I'm going to New York next week, I hope to see the New York City Ballet.
B: Oh that would be good.
A: Yes it will be all Star Wars and shopping.
A: I'm a Jedi you see.
B: Oh?
A: Yes, I go to all the Jedi knight conventions.
B: Ah.
[Conversation ended by thunderous advertisement for Royal Ballet DVDs]

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